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Status Adopted
Original Adopted Date 08/22/2016
Last Revised Date
Last Reviewed Date 08/22/2016

DID: Inventory Management

The School of the Osage will purchase property, such as equipment and supplies, to further the district's education mission as needed. The superintendent or designee will create procedures to prevent excessive, duplicative or unnecessary purchases and to properly track, maintain and dispose of property as required by law and in accordance with sound business practices.


The superintendent or designee shall maintain one master inventory list of district equipment. Equipment will be added to the master inventory list at the time of purchase. The superintendent may require principals to maintain current inventories of equipment and other property in their buildings, but all building-level inventories must be provided to the superintendent or designee for inclusion in the master inventory. The superintendent or designee will ensure that a physical inventory of all equipment is completed and the results reconciled with equipment documentation at least every two years.

Use and Maintenance

All programs, buildings and departments are directed to work together to ensure that district property is used to the maximum benefit of the students. Any disputes regarding the use of district equipment will be settled by the superintendent.

Equipment and supplies purchased with district funds are to be used for district purposes. Personal or other uses are prohibited unless otherwise authorized by district policies or procedures. District equipment and supplies will remain on district property and will not be removed unless it is for a district purpose and the removal has been authorized by the superintendent or designee or the employee's supervisor.

Equipment purchased with federal funds will be used first for the program or project for which it was purchased. When the equipment is not needed, the district may use it for other district programs or purposes in accordance with federal law and district procedures.

All district employees are required to care for, protect and properly use district equipment and supplies to minimize damage, waste and replacement costs. The superintendent or designee will schedule maintenance when recommended by the manufacturer and will arrange for repairs, rather than replacement of equipment, when it is practically and economically more beneficial to the district than replacing the equipment.

Loss, Damage and Theft

The superintendent or designee will establish controls to prevent the loss, damage or theft of equipment and supplies and will develop procedures to ensure that equipment is properly stored and maintained. All district employees must report missing or damaged equipment and supplies to their supervisors as soon as they become aware that equipment is missing or damaged. All reports of missing or damaged equipment will be investigated.


All property no longer of use to the district will be disposed of in accordance with state and federal law, Board policy DN and procedure DN-AP1.


Cross References

Missouri Revisor of Statutes

Missouri School Improvement Program

United States Code

Code of Federal Regulations

Court Cases

board_policy/did.txt · Last modified: Monday, November 20, 2023 12:41 AM by Nathan C. McGuire