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Status Adopted
Original Adopted Date 03/23/2000
Last Revised Date 01/22/2007
Last Reviewed Date 01/22/2007

CH: Policy Implementation and Dissemination

The policies adopted by the Board and the procedures and directives developed by the superintendent to implement policies are designed to achieve an effective and efficient school system. All Board members, employees, students and patrons are required to follow the Board of Education's policies and the district's rules and procedures. The superintendent, administrators and supervisors of the district are required to implement and enforce Board policies and administrative procedures. Questions regarding the interpretation of a policy or procedure will be directed to the superintendent and, if necessary, to the Board.

An essential job responsibility of the superintendent and administrative staff is to assist the Board in timely review and revision of Board policies so that the policies support the best academic practices, address district concerns and accurately guide the district's operations. The superintendent is also responsible, with the assistance of the administrative staff, for developing and implementing administrative procedures and forms to further carry out the directives in Board policy.

Policies adopted by the Board and administrative procedures and forms approved by the superintendent will be included in an official Board policy manual and administrative procedures and forms manual that will minimally be maintained at the central office. Once adopted, the superintendent is directed to inform district staff about the Board policies and administrative procedures and forms they are expected to use and follow, including any changes to these documents. Board policies and related documents, including current versions of district handbooks, will be posted on the district's website. Current copies of Board policies and administrative procedures will also be available from the superintendent's office upon request.

Staff, student and parent/guardian handbooks may also be used for disseminating policies and procedures to persons directly affected by them. All district handbooks, directives, guidance or other information disseminated to parents, students, staff or patrons must accurately reflect, and not contradict, the current applicable Board policies and administrative procedures.

BDDL: Release of Information

Procedure BDDL-AP(1): Release of Information - Records Requests

BF: School Board Policy Process

GBCB: Staff Conduct

KB: Public Information Program

Procedure KB-AP(1): Public Information Program


Cross References

Missouri Revisor of Statutes

Missouri School Improvement Program

United States Code

Code of Federal Regulations

Court Cases

board_policy/ch.txt · Last modified: Monday, November 20, 2023 12:41 AM by Nathan C. McGuire