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Status Adopted
Original Adopted Date 03/23/2000
Last Revised Date 06/28/2021
Last Reviewed Date 06/28/2021

BCB: Board Officers

The board of education shall elect a president and vice president at the reorganization meeting. The president and vice president will serve until they are no longer board members or until their replacements are elected.

Duties of the Board President

The president of the board, in addition to duties prescribed by law and policy, will exercise such powers as properly pertain to the office according to Robert's Rules of Order, Newly Revised. The president shall have the same right as other members of the board to offer resolutions, make motions, discuss questions and vote on board business. The president will fulfill the responsibilities of the office as follows:

Preside, when present, at all meetings of the board and be responsible for the orderly conduct of such meetings.

Sign all legal documents as required by law or board policy. The board authorizes signatures to be affixed by facsimile and electronically in accordance with policy DGA.

Bring before the board matters that, in the president's judgment, may require the board's attention.

Appear on behalf of the board in all legal actions brought by or against it unless individually a party, in which case the board will reassign this duty.

Consult with the superintendent in planning meeting agendas.

Confer with the superintendent on crucial matters that may occur between board meetings.

Call special board meetings when necessary.

Appoint committees in accordance with board policy and subject to the approval of the board.

Act as public spokesperson for the board unless the board has delegated this responsibility to others.

Perform any other duty required by the board of education, the Missouri State Board of Education, the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education or law.

Duties of the Board Vice President

The vice president of the board will perform all the duties assigned to the president in the event of the president's disability or absence. The board may also assign other duties.


If the board member serving as the president ceases to be a board member for any reason or resigns from the presidency, the vice president will assume the office of president, and the board will elect a new vice president by a simple majority. If the vice president declines the position, the board will elect a new president by a simple majority, and the vice president will remain the vice president.

If the board member serving as the vice president ceases to be a board member for any reason or resigns from the vice presidency, the board will elect a new vice president by a simple majority.


In addition to the officer elections at the reorganization meeting held after each board election, the board may reorganize by electing new officers at any public board meeting. In such cases, if the current officer is still willing to serve, election of a new officer requires an affirmative vote of a majority of the whole board.

Note: The reader is encouraged to check the index located at the beginning of this section for other pertinent policies and to review administrative procedures and/or forms for related information.


Cross References

Missouri Revisor of Statutes

board_policy/bcb.txt · Last modified: Monday, November 20, 2023 12:40 AM by Nathan C. McGuire