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Status Adopted
Original Adopted Date 04/15/2002
Last Revised Date 10/19/2015
Last Reviewed Date

BBC: Board Member Resignation

The Board believes that any citizen who seeks election or appointment to the Board of Education should do so with full knowledge of and appreciation for the investment of time, effort and dedication expected of all Board members and the intention to serve a full term of office.

If a Board member decides to resign prior to the end of the term of office for reasons of health, relocation outside the district or any other compelling reason, the Board requests the earliest possible notification of intent to resign so that it may plan to fill the vacant seat.

A Board member who resigns shall file a letter of resignation with the Board secretary, who shall forward it to the Board and list the issue on the agenda for the next Board meeting. The Board shall declare a vacancy exists when the resignation letter is officially presented to the Board at a Board meeting.


Missouri Revisor of Statutes

§ 162.261, RSMo

§ 162.471, RSMo Mo. Const. art.VII § 12

board_policy/bbc.txt · Last modified: Monday, November 20, 2023 12:40 AM by Nathan C. McGuire