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Status Adopted
Original Adopted Date 08/22/2016
Last Revised Date 06/28/2021
Last Reviewed Date 06/28/2021

AH: Use of Tobacco and Vaping Products

The School of the Osage Board of Education is dedicated to providing a healthy, comfortable and productive environment for staff, students and citizens. The school board believes that education has a central role in establishing patterns of behavior related to good health and shall take measures to help its students to resist tobacco use. Curriculum related to tobacco-use prevention will be developed and introduced at the primary grade levels and given greater in-depth concentration at the secondary level. The school board is concerned about the health of its employees and also recognizes the importance of adult role-modeling for students during formative years. Therefore, the board shall promote the avoidance of the use of tobacco among its staff and students.

Policy Application

To promote the health and safety of all students and staff, set a good example for students and promote the cleanliness of district property, the district prohibits all employees, students and visitors from using, possessing, smoking, vaping, consuming, displaying, promoting or selling any tobacco products, imitation tobacco products, vaping products or tobacco-related devices in all district facilities, on district transportation, on all district grounds at all times and at any district-sponsored event or activity while off campus. This prohibition extends to all facilities the district owns, contracts for or leases to provide educational services, routine healthcare, daycare or early childhood development services to children.


Imitation Tobacco Product – Any edible or nonedible nontobacco product designed to resemble a tobacco product intended to be used by children as a toy. Imitation tobacco products include, but are not limited to, chocolate cigarettes, bubble gum cigars, shredded bubble gum resembling chewing tobacco, pouches containing flavored substances packaged similarly to snuff, and shredded beef jerky in containers resembling snuff tins.

Smoking/Vaping – Inhaling, exhaling, burning or carrying any lit or heated cigar, cigarette, pipe or any other lighted or heated product that contains, is made of, or is derived from a natural or synthetic form of nicotine, tobacco or other plants and that is intended for inhalation. Smoking/Vaping also includes carrying or using an activated electronic smoking device.

Tobacco Product – 1) Any product, whether synthetic or natural, that contains, is made of, or is derived from tobacco or nicotine that is intended for human consumption by chewing, smoking, absorbing, dissolving, inhaling, snorting, sniffing or ingesting by any other means. 2) Any component, part or accessory of a tobacco product including, but not limited to, cigarettes; electronic smoking devices; cigars; little cigars; cheroots; stogies; periques; granulated, plug cut, crimp cut, ready rubbed, and other smoking tobacco; snuff; snuff flour; Cavendish; plug and twist tobacco; fine cut and other chewing tobacco; shorts; refuse scraps; clippings, cuttings and sweepings of tobacco; and other kinds and forms of tobacco.

Tobacco-Related Devices – Ash trays, rolling papers, wraps or pipes for smoking and any components, parts or accessories of electronic smoking devices.

Vapor Product – Any noncombustible product containing nicotine that employs a heating element, power source, electronic circuit or electronic, chemical or mechanical means, regardless of shape or size, that can be used to produce vapor from nicotine in a solution or other form. Vapor product includes any electronic cigarette, electronic cigar, electronic cigarillo, electronic pipe or similar product or device and any vapor cartridge or other container of nicotine in a solution or other form that is intended to be used with or in an electronic pipe or similar product or device. Vapor product does not include any alternative nicotine product.

Smoking Cessation Products

This policy does not prohibit adults from possessing and using products approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for smoking cessation. Students may possess and use those products as allowed under policy JHCD.


Appropriate signage reflecting the content of this policy will be posted throughout the district at building entrances and other highly visible locations in all school buildings, indoor and outdoor athletic facilities and district-owned transportation.


Students and employees who violate this policy will be disciplined in accordance with applicable board policies and may be offered referrals to smoking cessation programs. Employees may be disciplined or terminated for repeated violations. Visitors may be excluded from district property.


It is recognized that staff members have the right to make choices concerning lifestyle. It is also recognized, however, that teachers and other staff members serve as role models for students. Administrative staff shall be responsible for correcting violations should any occur.


Cross References

Missouri Revisor of Statutes

§§ 191.765-.777

§ 290.145, RSMo

United States Code

20 U.S.C. §§ 7182-7184 Pro-Children Act

board_policy/ah.txt · Last modified: Monday, November 20, 2023 12:40 AM by Nathan C. McGuire