ource officers, teachers and community members as appropriate. The CRT will be responsible for implementation o... ether a student may be at risk of suicide and the appropriate response. Any such determination shall be made by... whether the student is at risk of suicide and the appropriate response. Regardless of the determination, the bu... mined that the student may be at risk of suicide, appropriate members of the CRT will meet with the student and
xpected to intervene to prevent student bullying, appropriately discipline the perpetrator, assist the victim a... ding in which the incident took place or, if more appropriate, to the principal or designee of the building att... rdance with Board policy.
The principal or other appropriate district staff will work with victims and their f... honors and awards, and other consequences deemed appropriate by the principal or superintendent. The district
porting of any suspected criminal activity to the appropriate law enforcement agency at any time.
Reporting Se... with respect to supportive measures and implement appropriate supportive measures.
Explain to the complainant ... e, the Title IX coordinator will consult with the appropriate special education administrator(s) for assistance in determining the appropriate supportive measures based on the special needs of
red, the district will take prompt, effective and appropriate action to address the behavior, prevent its recur... ters to determine whether additional remedies are appropriate, and recommend which interim measures should be i... unlawful conduct occurred and will implement the appropriate interim measures if necessary.
===== Student-on-... fficer]] may determine that the incident has been appropriately addressed or recommend additional action.
ocial Services, sheriff, chief of police or other appropriate law enforcement entity in accordance with state l... hool activity must be reported immediately by the appropriate school administrator to the appropriate law enforcement entity. The following criminal acts are subject to thi... jurisdiction, the superintendent shall notify the appropriate division of the juvenile or family court of the s
orney or other necessary resources to quickly and appropriately address a security incident.
Data... s is to recover as much data as possible, provide appropriate notifications of the data breach and prevent furt... ossible:
1. The superintendent and other appropriate administrative staff will be notified immediately... rcement and the district's insurance carrier when appropriate.
2. The ISO will determine the status of
ndividual serving as bond compliance officer when appropriate. The bond compliance officer the superintendent.
... es of this compliance procedure.
3. When appropriate and upon approval of the Board, attend district-r... or other industry professionals.
4. When appropriate and with other district employees under the direc... fficer will consult with bond counsel so that the appropriate provisions are made to fund or reimburse the dist
promptly identified and have access to a free and appropriate public education and related support services.
E... period of homelessness. Students will be awarded appropriate credit for full or partial coursework in accordan... acts and evidence relied upon and their sources;
Appropriate timelines to ensure any relevant deadlines are no... district is equipped to provide the student with appropriate services, make necessary referrals and transfer r
policy JGF.
The principal shall also notify the appropriate law enforcement agency and superintendent if a st...
In addition, the superintendent shall notify the appropriate division of the juvenile or family court upon sus... s granted by the superintendent or designee. When appropriate, the district may prohibit students from particip... to more narrowly tailor potential consequences as appropriate for the age level of students in the building wit
trict does not intend to interfere with or impede appropriate interactions between staff members and students.
... must demonstrate that he or she has maintained an appropriate relationship with the student. To avoid confusion... dentially must discuss with their supervisors the appropriate manner of meeting with students.
2. Meet... ss as part of an extracurricular activity that is appropriately supervised by additional staff members.
ublicized externally by other means as determined appropriate by the superintendent or designee. However, if th... will be advertised for the number of days deemed appropriate. Further, if the same or similar position was rec... will verify that applicants currently possess the appropriate certification or license before the Board votes t... ict determines that employing someone without the appropriate certificate or license is necessary or unavoidabl
ublicized externally by other means as determined appropriate by the superintendent or designee. However, if th... will be advertised for the number of days deemed appropriate. Further, if the same or similar position was rec... ict determines that employing someone without the appropriate certificate or license is necessary or unavoidable, the employee will be required to obtain the appropriate certificate or license by a district-specified de
tation of all or parts of this procedure to other appropriately trained employees. The superintendent or design... formance for program evaluation purposes whenever appropriate.
Once the budget for any federal award has been ... ed by required due dates and must be supported by appropriate documentation when necessary. The district will c... ng the reasons established goals were not met, if appropriate; and
Providing additional pertinent information
engagement strategies, to the extent feasible and appropriate, with other federal, state and local laws and pro... s to formulate suggestions and to participate, as appropriate, in decisions relating to the education of their ... in the student's classroom; and participating, as appropriate, in decisions relating to the education of the st... formation about the harms of copyright piracy, as appropriate to foster parental involvement and engagement.
hority to delegate that responsibility to another appropriate entity. During an investigation, the superintende... art|Board of Education]] and any personnel deemed appropriate by the superintendent or designee. After consulta... o prosecute or refer the investigation results to appropriate law enforcement.
If the superintendent is the su... estigation, the Board president will designate an appropriate person to conduct the investigation.