Table of Contents

Includes and Hiding Elements

Mikio Template

Include Pages

The following pages can be either html files in the root of the template or a page in the namespace. Namespace pages take priority.

Include Images

The following images can be used to replace content in the template. Images can be in `TEMPLATE_ROOT/images/`, `TEMPLATE_ROOT/themes/THEME/images/`, or in the namespace. Images can be either png, jpg, gif or svg.

Hiding Elements

Mikio now supports hiding elements using the ~~hide-parts (parts)~~ macro. Each element within the hide-parts macro is required to be separated by spaces. Currently, the following parts are supported:

To hide the topheader, navbar and hero, you would use the macro ~~hide-parts topheader navbar hero~~

Include Pages

Include Plugin


{{page>wiki:syntax#Tables}} will include the section about tables of the syntax page.

{{namespace>project_foo}} will include all pages in the project_foo namespace.

{{page>blog:mypage&tags&comments}} will include the page blog:mypage and show the tags from the Tag plugin and the number of comments from the discussion plugin. Both plugins need to be installed for this example.

{{tagtopic>testtag}} will include all pages with the tag testtag, the Tag plugin needs to be installed for this example.


Simply enclose the ID of the page to be included in double curly brackets:

[id] page ID of the page to include; some macros are possible; shortcuts are resolved (:, ., ..) required
[section] limits the included page to a specific section and its subsections optional; default is the whole page , this can be used with namespace (if matches)
[tag]include pages with tag topic tag, requires tag required
[flags] flags delimited by &, see flags optional

The plugin offers four syntaxes, {{page>...}} , {{section>...}} , {{namespace>...}} and {{tagtopic>...}}.

Section is aimed more at including sections, page at including whole pages and namespace at including whole namespaces. Tagtopic includes all pages with a tagtopic tag.

Configuration and Flags

The plugin can be configured in the DokuWiki configuration manager available in the admin menu. These settings also affect the blog plugin which uses the include plugin to generate the blog page. For most settings there are flags that allow to override the setting. Some features are only available as flag.

Configuration option Flags Description
noheader noheader/ (show)header Don't display the header of the inserted section
firstseconly firstsec(tion)only/ fullpage Display only the first section of the included page
readmore readmore/noreadmore Show “read more” link in case of firstsection only
showtaglogos - Show/hide an image for the first tag (if the page has tags)
showfooter footer/nofooter Show/hide page footer below the included page
showlink link/nolink Makes the first headline of a included page/section a link to the included page/section
showpermalink permalink/ nopermalink Show/hide a permalink to the included page in the page footer
showdate date/nodate Show/hide creation date of the page in the page footer
showmdate mdate/nomdate Show/hide modification date of the page in the page footer
showuser user/nouser Show/hide user name of the page creator in the page footer
showcomments comments/nocomments Show/hide number of comments in the page footer (requires the discussion plugin)
showlinkbacks linkbacks/nolinkbacks Show/hide number of linkbacks in the page footer (requires the linkback or backlinks2 plugin)
showtags tags/notags Show/hide tags in the page footer (requires the tag plugin)
showeditbtn editbtn or editbutton/noeditbtn or noeditbutton Show/hide edit buttons (section edit buttons, edit button below the included page)
doredirect redirect/noredirect Redirect back to original page after an edit
usernamespace - Namespace for user pages (see showuser configuration) (default user)
doindent indent/noindent Indent included pages relative to the section of the page they get included in
linkonly linkonly/nolinkonly or include_content Display only a link instead of the whole page content
title title/notitle Show the title instead of the page id
pageexists pageexists/ nopageexists Only list page ids of existing pages (see existlink)
- existlink Display a link and do so only if page page-id exists (combination of linkonly and pageexists)
parlink parlink/noparlink (Don't) put the link into a paragraph environment (for inline lists)
order order=OPTION Ordering criteria for namespace includes, possible options: page ID (id), title (title), date created (created), date modified (modified), indexmenu sort order (indexmenu), custom sort order using the {{include_n>[number]}} on the pages that are included similar to the indexmenu tags (custom).
rsort rsort/sort Reverse the sort order in namespace includes.
depth depth=DEPTH The maximum depth of subnamespaces of which pages are included in namespace includes, default is 1 for only the specified namespace, 0 is for unlimited depth.
- inline Don't close/open sections when including a page. This flag should be used when the include syntax is used inside other syntax elements like lists or tables or inside other plugin syntax.
- beforeeach=ENTITY/ aftereach=ENTITY Display an entity before/after each included page. The entity is printed outside the section/include environment, this is mainly for adding custom HTML code (when the text isn't recognized as entity it is directly displayed but escaped so you can't directly use HTML code here).
safeindex - Don't index metadata of included pages that are non-public. This can cause problems with other plugins that use the metadata index and can be safely disabled in wikis where the permissions of the included pages match the permissions of the parent pages.
- exclude=/REGEX/ Regular expression to exclude certain pages, will match on full page ID. E.g. to exclude ns:page_name use /ns:page_name/ as value. Use a regex tester to debug complicated patterns.




Simple macros are possible to serve a page on a per user or per date base. These are:

@USER@ username
@NAME@ full name of user
@GROUP@ first group the user belongs to
@YEAR@ 4-digit year
@MONTH@ 2-digit month
@WEEK@ 2-digit ISO week number
@DAY@ 2-digit day
@DATE<expr>@ use a calculated date instead of today in date macros

<expr> in @DATE<expr>@ can be one of:

PYEAR previous year
NYEAR next year
PMONTH previous month
NMONTH next month
PWEEK previous week
NWEEK next week
YESTERDAY yesterday's date
TOMORROW tomorrow's date



includes the page birthdays in namespace <month>:<day>: eg. 10:15: birthdays for the 15th of october.


includes the page message from the namespace <user> of the logged in user


includes the page <weekno> from the namespace foo<year> with next week's date e.g. foo2012:01 for the 27th of december 2011