Table of Contents

Common Attributes

Mikio Plugin

Common Attributes are available on most elements across the Mikio Plugin range.


Aligns an element on the page

<alert dark align-left width=20em>This is a dark alert aligned left</alert>
<alert dark align-center width=20em>This is a dark alert aligned center</alert>
<alert dark align-right width=20em>This is a dark alert aligned right</alert>


Applies a border to the element.

border-color: sets the borders color. Supports CSS based values such as HEX and RGBA.
border-width: sets the borders width. Supports px, em, rem and %. Can also be formatted to support different widths for each side. round: sets the border radius. Supports px, em, rem and %.

This is some text
This is some text
This is some text
This is some text

<box width=10em text-center border-color=#ffff00>This is some text</box>
<box width=10em text-center border-color=green border-width=10px>This is some text</box>
<box width=10em text-center border-color=green border-width="10px 0 10px 0">This is some text</box>
<box width=10em text-center border-color=rgba(0,0,0,.5) border-width=4px>This is some text</box>


Sets the height of the element. Sizes can be in %, px, rem or em.

This is some text

<box width=10em height=10em border-color=pink>This is some text</box>

Rounded Corners

Adds rounded corners (or border radius) to an element. Supports px, em, rem and %.

<box width=10em round=.25em>{{: district.jpg?nolink|}}</box>
<box width=10em round=.5em>{{: district.jpg?nolink|}}</box>
<box width=10em round=40px>{{: district.jpg?nolink|}}</box>
<box width=10em round=100%>{{: district.jpg?nolink|}}</box>


Adds a shadow to an element.

<button>No shadow</button>
<button shadow>Normal shadow</button>
<button shadow-large>Large shadow</button>
<button shadow-small>Small shadow</button>


Styles elements using the standard Bootstrap colors.

<alert>A simple primary alert - check it out!</alert>
<alert secondary>A simple secondary alert - check it out!</alert>
<alert success>A simple success alert - check it out!</alert>
<alert danger>A simple danger alert - check it out!</alert>
<alert warning>A simple warning alert - check it out!</alert>
<alert info>A simple info alert - check it out!</alert>
<alert light>A simple light alert - check it out!</alert>
<alert dark>A simple dark alert - check it out!</alert>

Text Alignment

Aligns text within an element

Special title treatment
With supporting text below as a natural lead-in to additional content. Go somewhere

Special title treatment
With supporting text below as a natural lead-in to additional content. Go somewhere

Special title treatment
With supporting text below as a natural lead-in to additional content. Go somewhere

<card title="Special title treatment" width=18em text-left>
With supporting text below as a natural lead-in to additional content.
<button>Go somewhere</button>

<card title="Special title treatment" width=18em text-center>
With supporting text below as a natural lead-in to additional content.
<button>Go somewhere</button>

<card title="Special title treatment" width=18em text-right>
With supporting text below as a natural lead-in to additional content.
<button>Go somewhere</button>


Adds a tooltip that is displayed when the cursor hovers over Hover me

<button tooltip="This is not a good tip">Hover me</button>


Some elements support a URL attribute that opens a page when the user clicks.

Go to my_anchor

<button url="">Go to my_anchor</button>

Vertical Alignment

Sets the elements vertical alignment

My text

<box width=10em height=10em border-color=black vertical-align=middle>My text</box>


Sets the width of the element. Sizes can be in %, px, rem or em.

<alert danger width=20em shadow>
<icon fa exclamation-triangle>This is a danger alert with a set width and shadow

Set Attributes

Mikio Plugin has a special element named setattr that can be used on a page, allowing the reuse of common attributes across several other elements using the attr attribute with a value of the name of the setattr.

<setattr name=mybox border-width=1px border-color=green>
<setattr name=otherbox border-width=2px border-color=blue>

The above sets elements that have the attribute attr=mybox to have the attributes border-width=1px and border-color=green while elements that have the attribute attr=otherbox to have the attributes border-width=2px and border-color=blue

<box attr=mybox>The box</box>
<box attr=otherbox>The box 2</box>
<box attr=mybox>The box 3</box>
<box attr=otherbox>The box 4</box>

The box
The box 2
The box 3
The box 4