Contact Person / Phone:
Internet Support phone #
ITOL Support URL: http:
Internet connection type: (Dialup, ISDN, DSL, Cable, T1)
Dialup / ISDN Phone to call#
T1 jack #
Phone Number of data line modem connected to:
Username / Password:
DNS Servers:
Public IP addresses = xx.xx.xx.xx / yy
IP1 – xx.xx.xx.xx, IP2 – xx.xx.xx.xx
Live DNS Record(s) (Domain Name)= Firewall / Router Name:

Virtual Private Network (VPN)

A workplace VPN, or Virtual Private Network, is a technology that allows employees to securely connect to the company's private network from remote locations over the internet. It creates a secure and encrypted tunnel between the employee's device (computer, smartphone, or tablet) and the company's internal network.

The primary purpose of a workplace VPN is to enable remote employees to access resources, applications, and files that are typically only available within the company's intranet. By using a VPN, remote workers can effectively extend their presence onto the company's network as if they were physically present in the office.

VPN services are offered by the Technology department in support of GBAD: Telework and Procedure GBAD-AP(1): Telework. Authorization by an immediate supervisor is required before VPN services will be provisioned by the Technology department.