Employee records have a MOSIS Info tab. Information on this tab needs to be completed if the employee is included in state reports.
Years of Service/Highest Degree Earned District, State, and Career Years of Service fields are incremented automatically each year during the creation process, of the new Fiscal Year.
Minimum Salary Supplement Applies only to a position for which you do NOT pay the state minimum, and the salary is supplemented with state funds. The supplemental amount only is keyed into this field.
Minimum Salary Days Worked Pertains only to supplemented salaries.
Fiscal Agent If another district is paying the employees salary, this is where you put the other districts Fiscal Agent.
High-Quality Professional Development State Classification from DESE.
Educator Comment The comment box is ONLY for comments made to DESE. If this box is filled out, it will be reported with your MOSIS Screen 18 October reporting.