Virtual Course Attendance calculates the student's attendance for those courses that are taught online. The Regular Hours Attendance calculation is used; once that value is found, it is multiplied by one of the following:
When the student does not have a transcript entry for the online course, .47.
When the student has a transcript entry for the online course, .94.
When the student has a transcript entry of the course AND the Online Course Program is as follows, AND the A+ Student field on the Enrollment record is set to Yes, .95.
50: Missouri Virtual Instructional Program,
52: MOCAP, and the student's enrollment record has the A+ Student field set to Yes).
The course must be an online course (the Online field on the Course editor is set to Yes).
The course does not need to be marked for attendance; the period does not have to be marked as instructional.
When the student's roster start date and end date are the same, hours are not calculated.
When multiple online courses are skinnied with other online courses, all minutes for online courses are summed in the skinnied period (for regular courses that are skinnied, only one course is calculated).
When online and regular courses are skinnied, all online course minutes/hours are calculated and one of the regular courses is summed.
The current attendance calculation is used, minus all courses and course sections marked as Online. Non-instructional minutes are not calculated.
Once the initial calculation is complete, Transcript entries are reviewed.
During the selected year for a course marked as Online, when a Transcript entry exists, all hours for which the student was enrolled in that course/section are calculated. 94% of those hours are added to the first attendance calculation for the Regular Hours Attended value.
When there is no transcript entry for a course marked as Online, all hours of the course/section are calculated, and 47% of those hours are added to the first attendance calculation.
Attendance minutes in a virtual course are NOT included in the calculation when the No Credit checkbox is marked on the Roster Batch Edit tool OR the student's Schedule tool for the course. Otherwise, the 95, 94, 47% attendance calculation is used.