Table of Contents

Status Adopted
Original Adopted Date 03/23/2000
Last Revised Date
Last Reviewed Date

IM: Evaluation of Instructional Programs

Last Revised Date: 07/21/2014 The Board of Education directs the superintendent to implement appropriate methods for a continual evaluation of the curriculum, the educational programs and the instructional processes of the school district.

These evaluations will assess educational needs, provide information for planning in the district, indicate instructional strengths and weaknesses in the district's educational programs, assure that the district is complying with the legal requirements for state-funded and federally funded programs, and provide data for public information.

The Board will rely on its professional staff and/or outside agencies to provide continual evaluation of the educational programs and instructional processes of the district. Specific measures will be identified to determine program success. The superintendent or designee will periodically review appropriate research studies to determine recent trends and developments in instructional evaluative techniques.

The superintendent will prepare and maintain written reports about the educational programs and instructional processes of the district and provide copies to the Board upon request and as necessary to carry out the Board evaluations required by this policy. The reports will include the goals and objectives of each program, progress toward meeting those goals and objectives, an explanation of the data and information used to determine program effectiveness, and recommendations for continued or improved effectiveness.

Unless otherwise required by law or Board policy specific to a particular program, the Board will review each district program in accordance with the following schedule. The Board may review any program at any time and is not restricted to the schedule or programs in this policy.

Annual Review

Financial Investment of Surplus Funds

Biennial Review (Every Two Years)

1. Title I

2. Special Education

3. Career/Technical Education

4. Gifted Education

5. Programs for Homeless Students

6. Programs for English Learner (EL) Students (reviewed annually by coordinator)

7. Programs for Migratory Students

8. Programs for At-Risk Students

9. Early Childhood Programs

10. Parents as Teachers

11. Guidance and Counseling

12. Student Health Services

13. Library and Media Resources

14. Technology

15. Professional Development (reviewed annually by the Professional Development Committee)

16. Parent, Family, and Community Involvement (reviewed annually at the school level)

17. Transportation

18. Food Service

19. Facilities and Grounds

20. School Climate

21. Safety Program and Emergency Response and Intervention Plan

22. Grant-funded programs not otherwise listed (unless the grant requires a different schedule)


Curriculum will be reviewed immediately following the scheduled curriculum reviews by staff.




Cross References

Missouri Revisor of Statutes

Missouri School Improvement Program

United States Code

Code of Federal Regulations

Court Cases