Table of Contents

Status Adopted
Original Adopted Date 03/23/2000
Last Revised Date 02/24/2003
Last Reviewed Date 02/24/2003

IIAC: Instructional Media Centers / School Libraries

The Board believes that instructional media centers/libraries are a fundamental part of the educational process. The district meets individual learning needs, provides flexible and innovative learning experiences and encourages independent learning by providing sufficient resource options to students and staff.

It is the goal of the Board of Education to provide circulating material, reference resources and electronic media to meet or supplement the needs of the students and teachers in the school system. The district shall strive to meet the school media standards as prescribed by the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education.

The district librarians, teachers and administrators have the responsibility of recommending and selecting materials for the district, in accordance with state and district guidelines, and reconsidering or reviewing the district's collection as needed. The same criteria used to select new materials for the district will be used to determine whether the district will accept any gift of materials or to determine the selection of materials purchased with a monetary gift from an individual or group.

District librarians will organize and maintain the district's collection and aid students and staff members in locating resources.

The superintendent or designee will create procedures as needed to enforce the district policies and administer the district's media centers and libraries.

Intellectual Access

The library media program serves as a point of access to information and ideas for students as they acquire critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Students and educators served by the library media program should have access to resources and services free of constraints resulting from artificial barriers. Students will have access to library media selected and available in accordance with district policy and library media guidelines.


Individually identifiable library records will be confidential as required by law. Individually identifiable library records of a student will be considered an education record under federal law and will be released in accordance with Board policy.

Individually identifiable library records of persons other than students will not be released to any person other than the person identified in the record or to district employees who need to know the information to perform their duties for the district. However, these records may be released upon written request by the person identified in the record or in response to a court order upon a finding that the disclosure is necessary to protect the public safety or to prosecute a crime.

As used in this policy, a “library record” is any document, record or other method of storing information retained, received or generated by a library that identifies a person or persons as having requested, used or borrowed library material and all other records identifying the names of library users. The term “library record” does not include nonidentifying material that may be retained for the purpose of studying or evaluating the circulation of library material in general.

EGAAA: Reproduction of Copyrighted Materials



JO-1-AP(2) STUDENT RECORDS - (Disclosure of Photographs, Images and Recordings Maintained by the District) KH: Public Gifts to the Schools



Cross References

§ 182.817, RSMo

§ 182.815, RSMo

Missouri Revisor of Statutes

Missouri School Improvement Program

United States Code

Code of Federal Regulations

Court Cases