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Status Adopted
Original Adopted Date 03/23/2000
Last Revised Date
Last Reviewed Date

IGBB: Programs for Gifted Students

Last Revised Date: 02/25/2019 The Board of Education is committed to improving student learning opportunities for all students in the district and authorizes a program for meeting the educational needs of identified gifted students in an educational environment beyond that offered in the regular classroom. The Board of Education will make every effort to provide the level of monetary support necessary to sustain the gifted program.

The program will:

1. Provide a minimum of 150 minutes per week of contact time in which gifted program personnel work exclusively with identified gifted students.

2. Include a systematic process for the identification and selection of gifted students at all grade levels. The identification process will include alternative identification plans designed to identify gifted students who are traditionally underidentified and underserved, such as students with language differences, cultural differences, special educational needs and those from families living in poverty.

3. Utilize instructional personnel with the appropriate certification for the gifted program services they are providing.

4. Have class sizes and caseloads in accordance with Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) guidelines.

5. Include activities beyond the level usually provided in regular school programs that particularly contribute toward meeting the identified unmet needs of participating students.

The superintendent will designate a member of the district's professional staff to serve as the coordinator of gifted education. The coordinator is responsible for:

1. Overseeing the gifted education program.

2. Facilitating the process by which parents/guardians may request a review of the decision that determined their student did not qualify to receive services through the district's gifted education program.

3. Completing and submitting the application for a gifted education program through Core Data in a timely manner.

4. Reporting instructional positions and assignments of gifted program personnel through Core Data in a timely manner.

5. Completing an annual evaluation report before June 30 of each year that will be available in the central office.

6. Maintaining in the central office a description of the program's goals, learner objectives and activities as well as the annual program evaluation report.

Parent/Guardian Request for Review

Parents/Guardians who receive notice that their student has not met the eligibility requirements to receive gifted services will be informed that they may request a review of that decision by contacting the district's coordinator for gifted education or an administrator in the school the student attends. If the request is made to an administrator, the administrator will forward the request to the coordinator.

The coordinator will arrange a conference with the parents/guardians to explain the identification process used by the district, including benchmarks and standards used by the district to identify the students eligible for services.

The coordinator will provide the parents/guardians with information specific to their student, including the results of any testing, assessment or evaluation of the student, and will assist the parents/guardians in interpreting the results.

The coordinator is not permitted to discuss any information about other identifiable students but may share aggregated information, such as how many students were considered for the program and how many were accepted.

The coordinator will share information with the parents/guardians regarding any enrichment activities, clubs and student groups available to all students that, based on the student's results, might be of interest to their student. The coordinator will also share information about the district options for student acceleration.

If, during the review, the coordinator identifies any error in the eligibility determination process that may have resulted in an incorrect determination, the coordinator will arrange to have the student re-evaluated for eligibility. Otherwise, the initial eligibility decision will stand.

5 C.S.R.20-100.110





KB: Public Information Program

Procedure KB-AP(1): Public Information Program


Cross References

§ 162.720, RSMo

§ 161.031, RSMo § 160.2000, RSMo

§ 160.1990, RSMo

Missouri Revisor of Statutes

Missouri School Improvement Program

United States Code

Code of Federal Regulations

Court Cases