Table of Contents

Status Adopted
Original Adopted Date 03/23/2000
Last Revised Date
Last Reviewed Date 03/23/2000

GBB: Staff Involvement in Decision Making

The Board of Education encourages employees to contribute their ideas for the betterment of the school district. Members of both professional and support staff may be asked to assist in developing policies, rules and procedures and establishing the district goals and objectives, budget, and curriculum. The superintendent is authorized to establish any committees viewed as appropriate to recommend policies, rules and procedures for the proper functioning of the district. Staff members should be advised, however, that the final decision on matters on which their advice is requested or received will rest with the Board or with the administrator(s) to whom the Board has delegated responsibility.

The superintendent will establish channels for the intercommunication of ideas among the professional and support staff, the administration and the Board regarding the operation of the schools. In addition, the superintendent shall also weigh with due consideration the counsel given by employees, and especially that given by groups designated to represent large segments of the professional and support staff. The superintendent shall inform the Board of such counsel when presenting reports of administrative action and recommendations for Board action. The superintendent's recommendations may vary from the advice of such counsel when, in his or her judgment, other considerations prevail.

Each building administrator will maintain channels for conferring with both the professional and support staff in establishing building rules and procedures. In addition, professional staff employees will be given opportunity and encouragement to contribute in the development of the curriculum and other policies, rules and procedures pertaining to the instructional program.

AD: School District Mission

BF: School Board Policy Process

IF: Curriculum Development




Cross References

Missouri Revisor of Statutes

Missouri School Improvement Program

United States Code

Code of Federal Regulations

Court Cases