Table of Contents

Status Adopted
Original Adopted Date 06/28/2004
Last Revised Date
Last Reviewed Date

DD: Grants

Last Revised Date: 08/22/2016 Application for Grants

The district directs the superintendent or designee to pursue all grants and other alternative sources of funds, goods and services that are consistent with the district's goals and educational strategies and that enhance the educational offerings of the district.

All grants must:

1. Be based on a specific set of internal objectives that relate to the established goals and objectives of the district.

2. Provide measures for evaluating whether project objectives are being or have been achieved.

3. Conform to state and federal laws and the policies of the Board in the execution of the project.

All grant proposals shall be approved by the Board before being submitted to the funding agency regardless of the amount of funding involved. Before a grant application is presented to the Board, the superintendent or designee will determine whether the district has the appropriate staff to support the grant project and maintain accurate records required by the granting entity, as well as adequate resources if matching funds are required.

All grants that involve district property, students or personnel in their capacity as employees are considered district grants and are subject to the requirements of this policy. No individual will use grant proceeds in the district without district permission.

Administration of Grants

The superintendent must designate a district employee as the grant contact for any grant involving the district. The designated grant contact will oversee grant activity and ensure that the appropriate records, evaluations and procedures are used.

All grant funds received must be deposited in district accounts. District policies regarding purchasing, expenditure of funds and employment will be followed when expending grant funds. Staff positions created through grant funding will be filled pursuant to Board policy.

The district will keep accurate records of expenditures for each grant. An annual report will be provided to the superintendent or designee on the status of grant programs, participation in programs and the success of programs.

Federal Grants

Grants that fund federal programs will be implemented in accordance with the provisions of Board purchasing policies DJF and DJFA, and their accompanying procedures, and Board conflict of interest policies BBFA and GBCA.


Cross References

BBFA: Board Member Conflict of Interest and Financial Disclosure

GBCA: Staff Conflict of Interest

GCD-1: Professional Staff Recruiting and Hiring

GDC-1: Support Staff Recruiting and Hiring

Missouri Revisor of Statutes

Missouri School Improvement Program

United States Code

Code of Federal Regulations

Court Cases