Table of Contents

Status Adopted
Original Adopted Date 03/23/2000
Last Revised Date
Last Reviewed Date 03/23/2000

BGB: Board-Staff Communications

The success of the School of the Osage School District requires effective communication between the Board and the school staff. Such communication is necessary for facilitating proposals for the continuing improvement of the educational program and for the proper disposition of personnel matters which may arise.

The School of the Osage Board of Education desires to maintain open channels of communication between itself and the professional and support staff. The basic line of communication will, however, be through the superintendent.

Staff Communications to the Board

All formal (school business) communications to the Board of Education from certificated professional staff or non-certificated support staff employees of the School of the Osage School District shall be filed in writing with the superintendent of schools. However, this procedure will not be construed as denying the right of any employee to appeal to the Board regarding alleged misapplication of policy or administrative decisions, provided that the superintendent shall have been notified of the forthcoming appeal, and that it is processed in accordance with Board policies and regulations on staff complaints and grievances.

Board meetings are public meetings. As such, they provide an excellent opportunity to observe first-hand the Board's deliberations on problems of staff concern. Staff members may participate in Board meetings in accordance with the policies and regulations regarding public participation at such meetings. Further, at times and with the knowledge of the superintendent, the Board may invite staff members to speak at Board meetings, or to serve on advisory committees to the Board.

Board Communications to Staff

All official communications, policies, and directives of staff interest and concern will be communicated to staff members through the superintendent, and the superintendent will employ such media as are appropriate to keep the staff fully informed of the Board's concerns and actions.


Cross References

Missouri Revisor of Statutes

Missouri School Improvement Program

United States Code

Code of Federal Regulations

Court Cases