Status Adopted
Original Adopted Date 03/23/2000
Last Revised Date 02/21/2023
Last Reviewed Date 02/21/2023

BDDF-1: Voting Method

All motions will be recorded in the minutes, including the name of the person seconding any motion and the record of the vote. When a member abstains from voting, such abstention shall be entered in the minutes as an abstention. The president shall have a vote on all questions.

Members may change their votes if such request is made prior to consideration of the next order of business. Votes may not be changed after the board has announced the next order of business.

A motion shall pass if a majority of those board members voting (not abstaining) cast a vote in favor of the motion, unless otherwise prescribed by law or policy. An affirmative vote of the majority of the whole board is required to enter into a contract, employ a person, approve a bill or issue a warrant.

Voting in Open Session Voting in open session must be conducted in a manner that allows the public attending the meeting to observe how each member votes and in a manner that allows the board secretary to accurately discern and record the number of members voting for or against the motion as well as the members abstaining from voting on the motion.

The board may decide to vote by roll call in open session. If a roll call vote is taken, the minutes will include a record of how each individual board member voted. When an open public vote is not to be taken by roll call, any member may request that the board be polled on any issue requiring a vote. When voting to adjourn to closed session, the specific reason for closing the meeting must be announced publicly by reference to a specific section of the law, and the vote must be taken by roll call.

In the event a motion is made to close a meeting, record or vote and a board member believes that the motion, if passed, would violate the Missouri Sunshine Law, the board member may state an objection to the motion before or at the time the vote is taken. The board secretary will enter the objection in the minutes. Once the objection has been made the board member shall be allowed to fully participate in the meeting, record or vote even if it is closed over the member’s objection. If the board member voted against the motion to close the meeting, record or vote, the recorded objection and the vote is an absolute defense to any claim filed against the board member pursuant to the Missouri Sunshine Law.

Voting in Closed Session All votes taken in closed session shall be taken by roll call, including the vote to adjourn.

Voting Electronically The board may allow members to participate in meetings by telephone or other electronic means. Board members may not simply vote electronically but must be connected with the meeting throughout the discussion of business. If a board member electronically joins the meeting after an item of business has been opened, the remotely located member shall not participate until the next item of business is opened.

In accordance with law, board members who participate in a meeting by videoconferencing may discuss and vote on issues in both open and closed sessions, regardless of the method by which the vote is taken. Board members participating electronically by other means, such as by telephone, may discuss issues and vote as long as the vote is not made by roll call. Board members participating electronically using methods other than videoconferencing may not cast roll call votes, regardless of whether those votes occur in open or closed session, unless a district emergency exists and a quorum of the board is physically present at the meeting. If such an emergency exists, the nature of the district emergency shall be stated in the minutes.


Missouri Revisor of Statutes

§ 162.301, RSMo

§ 162.303, RSMo

§ 610.010, RSMo

§ 610.015, RSMo

§ 610.020, RSMo