Table of Contents

Status Adopted
Original Adopted Date 03/23/2000
Last Revised Date 09/09/2019
Last Reviewed Date

BCC-1: Appointed Board Officials

The Board shall elect a secretary and treasurer on or before July 15 of each year. The Board may also elect an alternate secretary and treasurer to serve in situations where the elected secretary or treasurer is absent or unable to perform the duties of the position. The secretary and treasurer may or may not be Board members. Secretaries and treasurers who are not Board members may receive reasonable compensation for services. The Board shall elect replacements when either office is vacated or when the Board determines that the individual needs to be replaced.

Duties of the Board Secretary

The secretary of the Board of Education shall perform or, when permitted by this policy, cause another person to perform the following duties:

1. Be present at all regular and special Board meetings and, at the request of a committee chair, attend committee meetings. If the Board requests the Board secretary to leave or not attend a meeting, the alternate secretary will serve as the Board secretary, or the Board will designate a temporary secretary for the meeting.

2. Keep accurate records of Board member attendance at Board meetings and inform the Board when a member has missed three consecutive regular meetings.

3. Maintain complete and accurate minutes of all regular and special Board meetings and maintain other records of the Board in accordance with the requirements of Missouri law.

4. Implement the Board member election process, including posting required notices, accepting filings and submitting candidate names to the election authority.

5. Maintain the records of all Board elections, including the election of Board members and the results of all propositions submitted to voters.

6. Administer oaths or affirmations unless the duty is delegated to another person by the Board or by law.

7. Notify all members of regular, executive or special Board meetings.

8. Post all notices required by law or as directed by the Board or the superintendent acting on behalf of the Board.

9. Preside at Board meetings in the absence of both the president and vice president of the Board unless and until the Board appoints another member to serve as a temporary chair.

10. Issue and/or sign, attest to or certify reports, orders and official documents when such are required by law or as directed by the Board.

11. aintain a correct plat map of the district boundaries and notify the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) and the county clerk of any boundary changes.


15. Perform such additional functions as may be required by law or authorized by the Board either directly or through the superintendent.

Duties of the Board Treasurer

The treasurer of the Board of Education shall perform or, when permitted by this policy, cause another person to perform the following duties:


2. Receive district moneys and deposit them into the proper accounts.

3. Serve as custodian of all bonds and other securities belonging to the district.

4. Assist the Board in choosing a depository for district funds.

5. If the treasurer is the district-designated investment officer, invest surplus funds in accordance with the district's investment policy.

6. Pay out money from district funds by order of the Board by electronic funds transfer or upon checks signed by the president and treasurer. The Board provides authorization for signatures to be affixed in facsimile.

7. Monitor the budget, continually compare actual expenses against budgeted expenses and propose budget amendments as necessary.

8. Report budget irregularities and overruns.

9. Be available to participate in audits.

10. Keep complete, accurate and legal records of all moneys collected and expended in accordance with accounting procedures established by DESE.

11. Submit a monthly report to the Board reflecting the current balance in district funds, disbursements and receipts for the preceding month and any other financial information the Board requests.

12. Develop and make reports as directed by the Board.

13. Keep a calendar of important dates and filing deadlines to assist in complying with reporting requirements.

14. Sign all legal documents as required by law.

15. Make records available for Board inspection upon request.

16. eliver to any successor in office all district books, moneys or other property in his or her possession.

17. Perform other duties required by law and/or assigned by the Board.


Elected Board members who serve as a Board secretary or treasurer are responsible for ensuring that the duties of the office are properly completed even when those duties have been delegated to a district employee. When the treasurer is an elected Board member, both the elected treasurer and any employee performing the duties of the treasurer will be bonded.


Cross References

AC: Prohibition Against Illegal Discrimination, Harassment and Retaliation

DED: Disposition of Unbudgeted Revenue

DFA-2: Revenues from Investments / Use of Surplus Funds

DG: Depository of Funds

DGA: Authorized Signatures

DH-1: Bonded Employees and Officers

DI: Fiscal Accounting and Reporting / Accounting System

DIE: Audits

DJFA: Federal Programs and Projects

Procedure DJFA-AP(1): Federal Programs and Projects - (Managing Federal Funds—allowable Expenses)

Procedure DJFA-AP(2): Federal Programs and Projects - (Managing Federal Funds—cash Management)

Procedure DJFA-AP(3): Federal Programs and Projects - (Time and Effort)

DK: Payment Process

DN-1: Surplus District Property

GBM: Staff Grievances

JGD: Student Suspension and Expulsion

KL: Public Concerns and Complaints

KLA: Concerns and Complaints Regarding Federal Programs

Missouri Revisor of Statutes

§§ 105.273-.276, RSMo

§ 108.260, RSMo

§ 162.071, RSMo

§ 162.301, RSMo

§ 162.303, RSMo

§ 162.371, RSMo

§ 162.391, RSMo

§ 162.401, RSMo

§ 162.431, RSMo

§ 162.441, RSMo

§ 162.821, RSMo

§ 162.841, RSMo

§ 162.856, RSMo

§ 162.910, RSMo

§ 163.081, RSMo

§ 164.181, RSMo

§ 164.221, RSMo

§ 165.021, RSMo

§ 165.061, RSMo

§ 165.081, RSMo

§ 165.091, RSMo

§ 165.101, RSMo

§ 165.111, RSMo

§ 165.131, RSMo

§ 165.141, RSMo

§ 165.211, RSMo

§ 165.231, RSMo

§ 165.291, RSMo

§ 168.108, RSMo

§ 168.126, RSMo

§ 177.073, RSMo

§ 177.091, RSMo