Table of Contents

Status Adopted
Original Adopted Date 03/23/2000
Last Revised Date 02/25/2020
Last Reviewed Date

BBE-1: School Board Vacancies

If a vacancy occurs on the Board of Education, the remaining members shall appoint a person to serve until the next school board election when a director shall be elected for the unexpired term. In a case of resignation, a vacancy shall be declared to exist when the resignation letter is officially presented to the Board at a Board meeting. In a case of removal from office for excessive absences, a vacancy shall be declared to exist when the secretary of the Board certifies to the Board that a Board member has missed three consecutive Board meetings, and the Board has not excused the absences.

If there are more than two vacancies at any one time, the county commission, upon receiving written notice of the vacancies from the Board secretary, shall fill the vacancies by appointment. If the district is located in a county without a county commission, the county executive, upon receiving written notice of the vacancies, shall fill the vacancies by appointment, with the advice and consent of the county council. The persons appointed shall hold office until the next school board election, when directors shall be elected for the unexpired terms.

When it is the Board's responsibility to fill a vacancy, the following process will be used unless the Board votes to use a different process due to the timing of the vacancy or other relevant reasons:

1. Notification Process – The vacancy will be announced at a Board meeting, and the district will notify local newspapers and advertise the vacancy on the district's website. The superintendent or designee is directed to advertise the vacancy in other effective ways, such as sending e-mails or other electronic communication to the community or posting notice in district buildings or publications. Residents who wish to be appointed to the vacancy must apply as directed in the notification(s). The district will allow residents a minimum of two weeks from the date the district publicizes the vacancy on its website to apply for the vacant position.

2. Review/Interview Process – The Board will review all applications at a regularly scheduled Board meeting or at a special meeting called for that purpose. The Board may select final candidates to interview in open session, or the Board may decide not to interview candidates and make a final selection from the applications. The Board will discuss applications and interview candidates in open session.

3. Selection Process – The Board will make appointments in an open session Board meeting through a formal motion that is seconded and confirmed with an affirmative vote by a majority of the Board. A Board member who is resigning from or otherwise leaving the Board shall not participate in choosing a successor.

4. Swearing In – Once appointed, a person becomes a Board member by taking and signing the oath of office.

5. Notification of Legal Responsibilities – All appointed Board members will receive a notice of their obligation to file a personal financial disclosure statement and will be notified of the requirement to complete state-mandated training.


Cross References

AA: School District Legal Status

Missouri Revisor of Statutes

§ 162.203, RSMo

§ 162.261, RSMo Mo. Const. art.VII § 11