===== Hero Element ===== [[doku>template:mikio|Mikio Template]] * ''title'' : The hero title is sourced from the page title. The page title is removed from the page content * ''subtitle'' : Pages can set the subtitle by inserting ~~hero-subtitle TEXT~~ in the page content * ''image'' : The hero image is sourced from an image named hero in the current or parental namespace. Namespace searching can be confined by the ''includePagePropagate'' setting. Pages can also override the image by inserting ~~hero-image URL~~ in the page content. DokuWiki and external URLs are supported * ''colors'' : Colors can be overridden by including ~~hero-colors BACKGROUND_COLOR HERO_TITLE_COLOR HERO_SUBTITLE_COLOR BREADCRUMB_TEXT_COLOR BREADCRUMB_HOVER_COLOR~~. You do not need to include all the color options. Use 'initial' to skip a color override Namespaces can also apply the above hero settings in child pages by including the above settings in a page named ''theme''. If the page title is not being displayed in the Hero, make sure that you have correctly set the DokuWiki [[config:useheading]] setting.