====== Button ======
[[doku>plugin:mikioplugin|Mikio Plugin]]
Adds buttons to your DokuWiki pages that can also be links using the%% %%URL common attribute.
==== Outline ====
==== Sizes ====
==== Block ====
==== States ====
===== Attributes =====
**block**: Sets the button to be block level (full width)\\ **small**: Applies a small size format to the button\\ **large**: Applies a large size format to the button\\ **active**: Applies the active format to the button\\ **disabled**: Applies the disabled format to the button. Clicking the button will also be ignored\\ **collapse-id**: The collapse element to toggle
====== Button Groups ======
Combines buttons into a non-breaking group
===== Attributes (Button Group) =====
**small**: Applies a small size format to the button group and its containing buttons\\ **large**: Applies a large size format to the button group and its containing buttons\\ **vertical**: Displays the button group vertically