===== Configuration ===== * ''iconTag'' : icon tag to use to engage the icon engine. Default to ''icon'' * ''customTheme'' : the mikio theme to use, located in the ''mikio/themes'' directory * ''showNotifications'' : where to show site notifications for admin staff * ''useLESS'' : use the LESS compilier or direct CSS for the mikio stylesheet. Requires the ctype PHP extension installed. * ''navbarUseTitleIcon'' : show the site logo in the navbar * ''navbarUseTitleText'' : show the site title in the navbar * ''navbarUseTaglineText'' : show the site tagline in the navbar. Requires the ''navbarUseTitleText'' to be enabled * ''navbarCustomMenuText'' : custom menu to use in the navbar. Menu items are in the format of url|title with each item seperated by a semicolon. Requires one of the ''navbarPos'' to be set to ''custom'' * ''navbarDWMenuType'' : how to show the DokuWiki menu items in the navbar. Can be either icons, text or both * ''navbarDWMenuCombine'' : how to show the DokuWiki menu in the navbar. Can be either category dropdowns, single items or a combined dropdown. The combined menu title is pulled from the ''tools-menu'' language value * ''navbarPosLeft'' : what menu to show on the left of the navbar * ''navbarPosMiddle'' : what menu to show in the middle of the navbar * ''navbarPosRight'' : what menu to show on the right of the navbar * ''navbarShowSub'' : show the sub navbar. This menu is pulled from the ''submenu'' page in the current or parent namespaces. The menu is also shown on child pages. If no page is found, the sub navbar is automatically hidden * ''searchButton'' : show the search button as a icon or text * ''searchUseTypeahead'' : use [[https://github.com/bassjobsen/Bootstrap-3-Typeahead|Typeahead]] page suggestions in search bar * ''heroTitle'' : show the hero block on pages * ''heroImagePropagation'' : search for hero images in parent namespaces if none is found in the current namespace * ''tagsConsolidate'' : Consolidate tags found in the current page and display it in the hero, content header or sidebar * ''breadcrumbHideHome'' : hide breadcrumbs in the root namespace * ''breadcrumbPosition'' : where to display the breadcrumbs, either under the navbar, in the hero element or above the page content * ''breadcrumbPrefix'' : enable changing the breadcrumb prefix * ''breadcrumbPrefixText'' : text to set the breadcrumb prefix. Requires ''breadcrumbPrefix'' to be enabled. This replaces the default [[:breadcrumbs#breadcrumb prefixes]] ''Trace:'' for [[:breadcrumbs#tracking breadcrumbs]] and ''You are here:'' for [[:breadcrumbs#hierarchical breadcrumbs]] (including the punctuation) which as of July 2021 cannot be customized by means of the [[:plugin:config|Configuration Manager]] but only within the scope of a [[:template]]. * ''breadcrumbSep'' : enable changing the breadcrumb seperator * ''breadcrumbSepText'' : text to set the breadcrumb seperator. Requires ''breadcrumbSep'' to be enabled * ''breadcrumbHome'' : change the breadcrumb home item to none, page title of root page, 'home' or an icon/image. The 'home' text is pulled from the ''home'' language value * ''breadcrumbShowLast'' : only show a number of breadcrumbs from the last. Will also show the home item in the list if enabled. Set this to ''0'' to show all items * ''sidebarShowLeft'' : show the left sidebar if content is found * ''sidebarLeftRow1'' : content to show in the first row of the left sidebar * ''sidebarLeftRow2'' : content to show in the second row of the left sidebar * ''sidebarLeftRow3'' : content to show in the third row of the left sidebar * ''sidebarLeftRow4'' : content to show in the forth row of the left sidebar * ''sidebarShowRight'' : show the right sidebar if content is found * ''tocFull'' : show the table of contents as a full height item * ''pageToolsFloating'' : when and if to show the floating page tools * ''pageToolsFooter'' : when and if to show page tools in the footer * ''footerCustomMenuText'' : custom menu to use in the footer. Menu items are in the format of url|title with each item separated by a semicolon * ''footerSearch'' : show the search bar in the footer * ''licenseType'' : how to show the license in the footer * ''licenseImageOnly'' : show the license in the footer as an image only. Requires ''licenseType'' to at least be enabled * ''includePageUseACL'' : respect ACL when including pages * ''includePagePropagate'' : search parent namespaces when including pages