====== MOSIS October Cycle ======
===== MOSIS Info Tab =====
Employee records have a MOSIS Info tab. Information on this tab needs to be completed if the employee is included in state reports.
**Years of Service/Highest Degree Earned** District, State, and Career Years of Service fields are incremented automatically each year during the creation process, of the new Fiscal Year.
**Minimum Salary Supplement** Applies only to a position for which you do NOT pay the state minimum, and the salary is supplemented with state funds. The //supplemental amount only// is keyed into this field.
**Minimum Salary Days Worked** Pertains only to supplemented salaries.
**Fiscal Agent** If another district is paying the employees salary, this is where you put the other districts Fiscal Agent.
**High-Quality Professional Development** State Classification from DESE.
**Educator Comment** The comment box is ONLY for comments made to DESE. If this box is filled out, it will be reported with your MOSIS Screen 18 October reporting.
===== MOSIS October Cycle File Extract =====
Choose state compliant export.
Use 8/1 to 5/30 for the date range.