====== Section 504 ====== [[https://kb.infinitecampus.com/help/section-504|Section 504]] Section 504 is managed by the [[campus:student_information:spedtrack|SpedTrack]] integration. The Section 504 tool allows the recording of student's Section 504 program participation start and end dates. Staff can print a Summary Report of the Section 504 information. Section 504 refers to Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 U.S.C. ยง 701) which provides protections for individuals with disabilities to participate in education, programs, activities, employment, etc. Section 504 prohibitions against discrimination apply to service availability, accessibility, delivery, employment, and the administrative activities and responsibilities of organizations receiving Federal financial assistance. The definition for "individuals with disabilities" under Section 504 is more broad than the disability definition for IEPs and the IEP governing process. This tool made available on a state-by-state basis. Until it is available in your state, follow existing procedures for managing Section 504 students. {{:campus:student_information:program_participation:pasted:20230919-101501.png}} ===== Importing Entries ===== Bulk Adds and Edits can be completed with the [[campus:student_information:program_administration:federal_state_program_update_wizard|Federal/State Program Update Wizard]].