====== Foster Care ====== [[https://kb.infinitecampus.com/help/foster-care|Foster Care]] Path: Student Information > Program Participation > Foster Care The Foster Care tool indicates whether a student is in Foster Care. A start and end date is associated with each instance of a Foster Care record. These records are not tied to student enrollments or calendars. Data syncs to state editions for all scoped years (current year, M1 and P1). {{:campus:student_information:program_participation:pasted:20230919-091335.png}} ^ Field ^ Description ^ Ad hoc Fields ^ | Start Date | Indicates the date the student was first considered to be in the Foster Care program.\\ \\ Dates are entered in mmddyy format, or can be chosen by clicking the calendar icon. | fosterCare.startDate | | End Date | Indicates the date the student was no longer considered to be in the Foster Care program.\\ \\ Dates are entered in mmddyy format, or can be chosen by clicking the calendar icon. | fosterCare.endDate | | School of Origin | Indicates the school in which the student is enrolled at the time of placement in Foster Care. | fosterCare.schoolOfOrigin | | Comments | Lists any additional information related to the student's placement into Foster Care or movement out of Foster Care. | fosterCare.comments | Overlapping records are not allowed. * If a new record is added before an existing record has an end date, a warning message displays. Enter an End Date on the existing record before adding a new record. * If a new record is added that with a start date that is between the start and end dates of a historical record, a warning message displays. Verify the entered date on the new record is correct. ===== Missouri State Reporting ===== Indicates whether the student is designated as being in Foster Care. Reports from the Foster Care tool. For the June reporting period, reports a value of Y when the student was ever in Foster Care during the selected reporting year. For all other reporting periods, reports a Y when there is a Foster Care record with a null End Date that is on or after September Count date, December Count Date, January Count Date or Date Range End Date (depending on what Reporting Period is selected). Reports 'N' when there is no Foster Care Record. Reports 'N' when there is a Foster Care record and End date is before September Count date, December Count Date, January Count Date or Date Range Start Date (depending on what Reporting Period is selected). Reporting Period: * October (R) * December (R) * February (R) * April (R) * June (R) Student Information > Program Participation > Foster Care FosterCare.startDate ===== Importing Entries ===== Bulk Adds and Edits can be completed with the [[campus:student_information:program_administration:federal_state_program_update_wizard|Federal/State Program Update Wizard]].