====== Portal ====== [[https://osa.ge/campusportal|Campus Portal]] [[https://wiki.osageschools.org/parent/campus|Campus Portal Parent Guide]] ===== User Creation of Portal Accounts ===== Portal users creating their own accounts must be given an **Activation Key**. This key is the person's **GUID** (Global Unique Identifier) available within the database/interface. The GUID can be found on the user's Demographics tab and can also be found on his/her Summary tab. The GUID is an alphanumeric identification number assigned to each person within Campus. {{:campus:portal:pasted:20230802-073328.png}} The end user would then navigate to the portal, select new user, and enter the activation key. {{:campus:portal:pasted:20230802-073502.png}} {{:campus:portal:pasted:20230802-073529.png}} ===== Study Guides ===== [[https://kb.infinitecampus.com/help/campus-student-campus-parent-study-guide|Student and Parent Portal]] ===== Training Outline ===== {{ :campus:2023_portal_account_creation_process.pdf|Portal Account Creation Process}} [[https://osa.ge/campusportal|Parent/Student Portal]] [[https://kb.infinitecampus.com/help/36fc784|Campus Student and Campus Parent]] * System Administation Portal Settings * Creating User Accounts * Student * Parent * User Account Letter Designer * User Account Letter Builder * User Account Messenger * Self-Service * Portal Request Processor * Mobile App * Portal Reports ===== Self-Guided Practice Activities ===== Task: Create an Account Letter that can be printed and mailed to parents in order to access the Infinite Campus Parent Portal. Corresponding Video Lesson * Portal: User Account Letter Designer and Builder (3:37) Task: Batch Edit the display option templates at Harrison High and Arthur Elementary to remove the display option for course registration. Corresponding Video Lesson * Portal: Portal Preferences – Batch Edit Display Options (6:15)