====== Census ====== ===== Study Guides ===== [[https://kb.infinitecampus.com/help/personhousehold-maintenance-study-guide-template|Person/Household Maintenance]] [[https://kb.infinitecampus.com/help/census-new-personfamily-set-up-study-guide-template|New Person/Family Set Up]] [[https://kb.infinitecampus.com/help/census-reports-study-guide|Census Reports]] ===== Training Outline ===== Audience: Person(s) responsible for enrolling students, managing family information and/or managing staff information Skills: * Add/modify students * Modify enrollments * Add/edit people * Add addresses * Create a household * Add non-household members * Modify household information On-Demand Training Course(s): * [[https://university.infinitecampus.com/learn/course/20641/census-end-user?generated_by=28615&hash=f86f56ff42c1258be78122b7d9504381a0eff371|Census (End User)]] – (0:29) ===== Households ===== **Households** contain Students, Other People, Relationships, and Addresses. ===== Identities ===== The **Identities** tab is used for: * Tracking changes to a person's name, etc. * Recording protected identity information for students who's legal name or gender do not match their preferred name and gender. The **Demographics** tab actually displays and updates information related to the current identity of the person The **current** identity of a person is determined by the **effective date** of the identity record ===== Adding People to Census ===== Person records can be added via a number of tools in Campus. The three most common are: * Add Person - after a search, creates a new person record that can be later identified as a Student of Staff member. * Student Locator - after a search, creates a new person and an Enrollment record simultaneously. * Staff Locator - after a search, creates a new person and a District Employment record simultaneously. ===== Add Student (Student Locator Wizard) ===== [[https://kb.infinitecampus.com/help/student-locator|Student Locator]] Topics: * Search for a student * Create a new student * Person information * Person identifiers ===== Enrollments ===== [[https://kb.infinitecampus.com/help/enrollments-census|Enrollments Census]] Topics: * View student enrollment history * Modify enrollment information ===== Add Person ===== [[https://kb.infinitecampus.com/help/add-person|Add Person]] Topics: * Search for a person * Create a new person * Modifying person information * Add personal contact information ===== Add Address ===== [[https://kb.infinitecampus.com/help/add-address|Add Address]] Topics: * Search for addresses * Add a new address Address Records can relate to: * Physical Addresses * Mailing Addresses ===== Create / Modify Household (Census Wizard) ===== [[https://kb.infinitecampus.com/help/census-wizard|Census Wizard]] Topics: - Search for address and household member(s) - Edit membership and mailing information - Define relationships The **Census Wizard** assembles households by providing a step-by-step interface that will guide users to: * Select the **People** in the household * Select the **Address** where the household resides or receives mail (or both) * Define the **Household Membership** of the individual people * Define **Relationships** of individual people **Relationship Types** - customizable by the District, the Relationship Type serves as a label of the link between two people. * [[https://kb.infinitecampus.com/help/relationship-type|Relationship Type]] **Start/End Dates** - records the effective date range of a relationship, allowing for changes to be made as people join or leave households. **Sequence Priority** - establishes the emergency contact order for a student. ===== Non-Household Relationships ===== [[https://kb.infinitecampus.com/help/relationships#add-new-non-household-relationships-for-persons-currently-in-census|Non-Household Relationships]] Topics: * Modify relationships * Connect emergency contacts to students ===== Modify Household Information ===== [[https://kb.infinitecampus.com/help/b8fdbff|Modify Household Information]] Topics: * Change address * End household membership * Add new members ===== Additional Resources ===== Campus Community: * [[https://kb.infinitecampus.com/help/reports-census|Census Reports]] * [[https://kb.infinitecampus.com/help/census-9546c34|Study Guides]] * [[https://kb.infinitecampus.com/help/understanding-census-video|Understand Census (Video)]] * [[https://kb.infinitecampus.com/help/state-enrollment-information|State Enrollment Information]] * [[https://kb.infinitecampus.com/help/ba0ab41|People]] * Demographics * Identities * Enrollments * Relationships * Households * Census Modification * Person * [[https://kb.infinitecampus.com/help/membership-in-hh|Membership]] * [[https://kb.infinitecampus.com/help/b8fdbff|Households]] * [[https://kb.infinitecampus.com/help/census-address-information|Addresses]] ===== Census FAQ ===== ==== What should I do if somebody in my district changes their name? ==== The Identities tab (Census > People > Identities) can be used to track changes to a person’s identity including name and gender identity changes. This also allows the search function to find people by using their current or former name. Knowledge Base: * [[https://kb.infinitecampus.com/help/identities|Identities]] ==== How do I handle staff members who are also parents? ==== Only create one person. Infinite Campus recommends that the staff member’s primary email address be their work email address. The person will have two user accounts; one for work access and one for parent access. Knowledge Base: * [[https://kb.infinitecampus.com/help/demographics#personal-contact-information|Personal Contact Information]] ===== Self-Guided Practice Activities ===== Task: Add two people in Infinite Campus that will be the student's guardians that live with the student. Add in fictitious contact information for both people. Corresponding Video Lesson * Census End User: Add Person (2:39) Task: Add a student and enroll them in Arthur Elementary School Corresponding Video Lesson * Census End User: Add Student (Student Locator) (3:19) Task: Add a pretend address where the guardians and student will live. Corresponding Video Lesson * Census End User: Add Address (2:12) Task: Use the Census Wizard to put the guardians and student into the same household. Corresponding Video Lesson * Census End User: Census Wizard Task: Add an emergency contact for the student that you created. Corresponding Video Lesson * Census End User: Non-Household Relationships (2:16)