====== Attendance ====== ===== Study Guides ===== [[https://kb.infinitecampus.com/help/attendance-e756643-attendance-study-guide|Attendance]] ===== Training Outline ===== [[https://content.infinitecampus.com/sis/latest/documentation/attendance/|Attendance]] Attendance End User Audience: Person(s) responsible for managing and processing Student Attendance Skills: * Create/edit attendance events * Reconcile teacher attendance * Manage attendance en masse On-Demand Training Course(s): * [[https://university.infinitecampus.com/learn/course/20645/attendance-end-user?generated_by=28615&hash=8bc1afe6f7f059f60dd9d94adaeb75010c8ec4ff|Attendance (End User)]] – (0:23) ===== Attendance ===== [[https://kb.infinitecampus.com/help/attendance-study-guide|Attendance Study Guide]] Topics: * Student Attendance overview * Add new attendance event ===== Classroom Monitor ===== [[https://kb.infinitecampus.com/help/classroom-monitor-article|Classroom Monitor]] Topics: * View teacher attendance * Incomplete Teacher Attendance Report ===== Daily Attendance Processing ===== [[https://kb.infinitecampus.com/help/daily-attendance|Daily Attendance]] Topics: * Reconcile teacher attendance * Caller Report ===== Attendance Entry Wizard ===== [[https://kb.infinitecampus.com/help/attendance-wizard|Attendance Entry Wizard]] Topics: * Daily Mode * Period Mode * Batch Mode * Edit Mode * Batch Edit Mode * Check In * Check Out ===== Additional Resources ===== Campus Community: * [[https://kb.infinitecampus.com/help/cac8b24|Attendance Reports]] * [[https://kb.infinitecampus.com/help/attendance-e756643|Attendance Office Resources]] * [[https://kb.infinitecampus.com/help/query-wizard|Query Wizard]] * [[https://kb.infinitecampus.com/help/selection-editor|Selection Editor]]   ===== Attendance FAQ ===== ==== Can teachers change attendance marks that I make? ==== Once the attendance office has entered an attendance code for a student, teachers cannot make modifications. ==== Can teachers take attendance for past dates? ==== Teachers can view past and future attendance. However, they cannot modify it. ==== How can I print an attendance roster for a substitute? ==== You can use the Sub Attendance Roster report (Attendance Office > Reports > Sub Attendance Roster Report) to print all rosters for teachers gone on any given day. Knowledge Base: * [[https://kb.infinitecampus.com/help/sub-attendance-roster|Sub Attendance Roster]] ===== Self-Guided Practice Activities ===== Task: Take attendance for a teacher in Harrison High the Classroom Monitor. Corresponding Video Lesson * Attendance End User: Classroom Monitor (3:00) Task: Take attendance for student to be absent for a week in Harrison High using the Batch Wizard tool in Attendance Entry Wizard. Corresponding Video Lesson * Attendance End User: Attendance Entry Wizard (8:36) Task: Search for a student and use the attendance tool within their related tools to mark them as absent for the last period of the day. Leave a comment for that absent period to be "doctor appointment." Corresponding Video Lesson * Attendance End User: Student Attendance (4:00)