| Status | Adopted | | Original Adopted Date | 09/09/2019 | | Last Revised Date | | | Last Reviewed Date | 09/09/2019 | ====== Procedure JHCD-AP(1): Administration of Medications to Students ====== Medication Administration 1. All medications must be delivered to the school principal or designee by the parent/guardian in a properly labeled container from the pharmacy or in the manufacturer's original packaging. 2. All medications must be accompanied by a written administration request from the parent/guardian. 3. Medications will be stored in an environmentally appropriate locked area to which the school nurse and school principal have keys. 4. The school nurse will maintain proper documentation of all medications and their administration. Documentation will minimally include the: ► Student's name. ► Prescriber's name. ► Pharmacy. ► Prescription number. ► Name of the medication. ► Dosage. ► Date and time administered. ► Reasons for not giving medications as prescribed (e.g., vomiting, spills, refusal), if applicable. ► Name and signature of person who actually administered the medication. 5. To the extent practical, students shall be provided privacy when receiving medications. 6. The school nurse will work with the student, parents/guardians and teachers in determining how best to deliver the medication to the student during the school day. 7. Emergency medications provided by parents/guardians for students who may have severe allergic reactions or anaphylaxis must be accompanied by a standing order from a licensed healthcare provider. 8. If the district maintains naloxone, prefilled epinephrine auto syringes, or asthma-related rescue medications, a list of students whose parents/guardians indicate that they cannot receive such medications will be kept with the medications. Handling and Disposal of Medications 1. All medications shall be inventoried upon receipt. Schedule II controlled substances shall also be inventoried daily by the person administering the drug. 2. The record of the drug count shall be maintained in a log or on the student's medication record. Any count discrepancies shall be reported to the school nurse for further investigation. 3. Controlled substances shall be kept in double-locked storage, such as a locked box within a locked cabinet, to which the school nurse and the school principal or designee shall have keys. 4. Expiration dates on all medications will be checked on a routine basis. 5. Parents/Guardians may retrieve their student's medications from the school at any time during school hours. 6. When possible, all unused, discontinued or expired medication shall be returned to the parent/guardian and the return documented. 7. The school nurse may destroy medications if the parent/guardian consents, if a witness observes and if the destruction is properly documented. 8. All medications shall be returned to the parent/guardian or destroyed at the end of the school year. Note: The reader is encouraged to review policies and/or forms for related information in this administrative area. Mo. Const., art.XVI § 1 Federal Davis v. Francis Howell Sch. Dist., 138 F.3d 754 (8th Cir. 1998) DeBord v. Board of Educ. of Ferguson-Florissant Sch. Dist., 126 F.3d 1102 (8th Cir. 1997) [[AH]] [[EBB]] [[EBBA]] EBBA-AP(1) KK VISITORS TO DISTRICT PROPERTY/EVENTS KK-AP(1) VISITORS TO DISTRICT PROPERTY/EVENTS - (Public Conduct on District Property) ===== References ===== ==== Cross References ==== [[rsmo>577.625|§ 577.625, RSMo]] [[rsmo>338.059|§ 338.059, RSMo]] [[rsmo>335.066|§ 335.066, RSMo]] [[rsmo>335.016|§ 335.016, RSMo]] [[rsmo>192.947|§ 192.947, RSMo]] [[rsmo>192.945|§ 192.945, RSMo]] [[rsmo>167|§§ 167.800-.824, RSMo]] [[rsmo>167|§§ 167.621-.635, RSMo]] ==== Missouri Revisor of Statutes ==== ==== Missouri School Improvement Program ==== ==== United States Code ==== ==== Code of Federal Regulations ==== ==== Court Cases ====