| Status | Adopted | | Original Adopted Date | 03/23/2000 | | Last Revised Date | | | Last Reviewed Date | | ====== GDN: Evaluation of Support Staff ====== Last Revised Date: 07/21/2014 The superintendent or designee will regularly evaluate the performance of all support staff employees in the district. The primary purpose of the evaluation is to promote the continuous growth of support staff employees in a manner that is aligned with the district's Comprehensive School Improvement Plan (CSIP) and, where applicable, building improvement plans (BIPs) with the goal of contributing to a positive education environment. Results of the evaluation will inform employment and compensation decisions, but may not be the only factor considered. The procedures and instruments for support staff evaluation will be developed by the superintendent, in consultation with building-level administrators and support staff supervisors, and will include: 1. Multiple ratings used to identify differentiated levels of performance. 2. An analysis of the employee's impact on the education environment. 3. Incorporation of meaningful and timely feedback between the evaluator and the support staff employee. 4. Evaluator training on the proper implementation of the evaluation instrument used by the district. Evaluation Process The superintendent may delegate the responsibility for support staff evaluation to other administrators, but the superintendent is ultimately responsible for the performance of all employees. Evaluators will complete a written evaluation on all support staff assigned to them for evaluation. All employees will be given an explanation of their duties and responsibilities and will be provided with guidance by their immediate supervisors in performing them satisfactorily. In addition, all staff members will receive a copy of the applicable evaluation instrument in advance of their evaluation. Evaluators will assess and monitor growth in the following areas: 1. Job knowledge 2. Quality of work 3. Quantity of work 4. Initiative/Resourcefulness/Creativity 5. Dependability, including attendance and punctuality 6. Cooperation 7. Communication 8. Impact on the education environment 9. Other areas as appropriate for the specific job ===== References ===== ==== Cross References ==== ==== Missouri Revisor of Statutes ==== ==== Missouri School Improvement Program ==== ==== United States Code ==== ==== Code of Federal Regulations ==== ==== Court Cases ====