| Status | Adopted | | Original Adopted Date | 05/19/2008 | | Last Revised Date | | | Last Reviewed Date | 05/19/2008 | ====== FC: School Closings , Consolidations and Reorganizations ====== When considering the matter of permanently closing, consolidating or reorganizing schools within the district, it is the intent and desire of the [[board:start|Board of Education]] to provide students with high quality academic opportunities in a supportive educational atmosphere, ensure maintenance and enhancement of program options, and accommodate demographic demands and financial constraints. The Board may permanently or temporarily close, consolidate or reorganize a school for any reason including, but not limited to: 1. Efficiency – Enrollment has declined or the space available at a school or schools in close proximity is not being used in the most efficient and cost-effective manner. 2. Physical condition of building – The physical condition of the school building makes continued operation of the site cost-prohibitive or continued occupancy of the site unsafe or impractical. 3. Alternative use of school facilities – The Board may close a school to use its facilities for other programmatic/educational purposes, for support services, to open a new school or to expand an existing school. 4. Change in educational focus – The Board may determine that a school closure, consolidation or reorganization is necessary to address the educational needs of students such as by implementing new curricula or instructional programs. Process for School Closings, Consolidations and Reorganizations Before any facility is permanently closed, the Board will convene a hearing, or a series of hearings if appropriate, to elicit public comment regarding the proposed action. The superintendent or designee will develop procedures for the conduct of the public hearings. Before any school closing, consolidation or reorganization is proposed, the superintendent’s staff shall prepare an impact analysis setting forth: 1. Possible alternatives to the proposed action, including maintenance of the status quo. 2. The projected impact that each alternative would have on each school affected by such action. 3. Enrollment data for the current school year and three-year enrollment projections for all schools affected by the proposed action. After approval by the Board, the superintendent shall be responsible for the orderly closing, consolidation or reorganization of the school. Reassignment of Students from Closed, Consolidated or Reorganized Schools When a school is permanently closed, the students will be reassigned to a school or schools with available space that can meet their educational needs. If a school closing requires that the attendance boundaries of any school receiving students be redrawn, they shall be redrawn in a manner that facilitates equitable and appropriate reassignment. Physical proximity to the school will also be considered. Students may apply for enrollment at a school or schools other than the school to which they are reassigned in accordance with Board policy and subject to space availability and the admissions criteria of such school(s). Reassignment of Employees Assigned to Closed, Consolidated or Reorganized Schools Teachers, administrators and other employees at schools permanently closed, consolidated or reorganized pursuant to this policy shall be reassigned by the superintendent in accordance with Board policy and law. If the closing, consolidation or reorganization requires the district to eliminate positions, those positions will be eliminated in accordance with Board policy and law. Sch. Dist. of Springfield R-12 v. City of Springfield, 174 S.W.3d 653 (Mo. Ct. App. 2005) MSIP 8.1 MSIP STANDARDS [[policy:board:dn-1]] [[GCI]] [[GCPA]] [[GDI]] ===== References ===== ==== Cross References ==== [[rsmo>177.091|§ 177.091, RSMo]] [[rsmo>177.073|§ 177.073, RSMo]] [[rsmo>168.124|§ 168.124, RSMo]] [[rsmo>89|§§ 89.300-.491, RSMo]] ==== Missouri Revisor of Statutes ==== ==== Missouri School Improvement Program ==== ==== United States Code ==== ==== Code of Federal Regulations ==== ==== Court Cases ====