| Status | Adopted | | Original Adopted Date | 03/23/2000 | | Last Revised Date | 11/18/2003 | | Last Reviewed Date | 11/18/2003 | ====== AA: School District Legal Status ====== The State of Missouri must establish and maintain free public schools in accordance with the Missouri Constitution and state law. The State has delegated certain responsibilities to local school districts. This school district is governed by a seven-director School Board. Directors are elected or appointed in accordance with law. The official name of the school district shall be School of the Osage. In accordance with state law, the [[board:start|Board of Education]] shall keep a common seal with which to attest its official acts relative to district operations. ===== References ===== [[bba]] [[bbb1]] [[bbb1ap1]] [[bbba1]] [[bbe1]] [[rsmo>162.261|§ 162.261, RSMo]] [[rsmo>162.311|§ 162.311, RSMo]] [[rsmo>162.459|§ 162.459, RSMo]] [[rsmo>IX++++1(a)|Mo. Const. art.IX § 1(a)]]