====== Alternative Methods of Instruction ====== In Infinite Campus, Blended Learning allows districts to create and assign learning groups to students to manage classes and attendance for students in a setting that is adaptable for students who are physically in a building for learning, for students who are virtually attendance classes, or a combination of both. ===== Policy ===== ===== Procedure ===== (([[https://kb.infinitecampus.com/help/blended-learning-attendance-setup-and-group-management-videos|Blended Learning Attendance Setup and Group Management - Video Series]])) ==== AMI Day Tasks for Teachers ==== ++++ Attendance | Teachers will still take attendance from their normal screen. The only difference is that students will be listed under the "virtual" heading of their attendance screen. They need to check the “Participated” box if the student participated or leave the box unchecked if they do not. Note: There is not a way to default students to "Participated". {{:pasted:20231211-151612.png}} ++++ ==== AMI Day Tasks for Secretaries ==== ++++ Student Group Assignment | Campus > Scheduling & Courses > Build Schedules > Adjust Blended Learning Groups > Adjust > Student Group Assignment {{:pasted:20231211-143840.png}} Select AMI as the group to assign. The start date should be today and the end date should be the end of the school year. New students must be added. {{:pasted:20240105-164432.png}} Select the target calendar. Move all students to the Selected Students. {{:pasted:20231211-144515.png}} Finish. {{:pasted:20231211-144706.png}} ++++ ++++ Group Day Assignment | Campus > Scheduling & Courses > Build Schedules > Adjust Blended Learning Groups > Group Day Assignment {{:pasted:20231211-143954.png}} Select the target calendar and group. {{:pasted:20231211-145102.png}} Enter the AMI Date as the start and end date. Select Assign group to every attendance day. {{:pasted:20231211-145433.png}} Finish {{:pasted:20231211-145459.png}} ++++ ++++ Classroom Monitor | In the classroom monitor, virtual students have a participation checkbox. This checkbox will determine if they are counted present or absent. {{:pasted:20231211-150856.png}} ++++ ==== Annual Tasks for Technology Department ==== ++++ Attendance Code Setup | An "AMI Did Not Participate" code is needed in each calendar that is eligible for AMI attendance. Campus > Attendance Office > Settings > Attendance Code Setup {{:pasted:20231211-135825.png}} ++++ ++++ Attendance Excuse Code Copier Wizard | Use the Attendance Excuse Code Copier Wizard to copy the attendance code to the rest of the calendars after setting up the first calendar. Campus > Attendance Office > Settings > Attendance Excuse Code Copier Wizard {{:pasted:20231211-140116.png}} ++++ ++++ Virtual Attendance Preferences | Virtual Attendance Preferences must be set on the first calendar. Campus > Attendance Office > Settings > Virtual Attendance Preferences {{:pasted:20231211-141107.png}} ++++ ++++ Virtual Attendance Preferences Copier Wizard | Virtual Attendance Preferences Copier Wizard can be used to copy the preferences to the rest of the calendars. Campus > Attendance Office > Settings > Virtual Attendance Preferences Copier Wizard ++++ ++++ New Blended Learning Group | This only needs to be done once per school year. [[https://kb.infinitecampus.com/help/new-blended-learning-groups-video]] [[https://kb.infinitecampus.com/help/new-blended-learning-groups]] Campus > Scheduling & Courses > Build Schedules > New Blended Learning Groups > New > Groups: Add Students Manually {{:pasted:20231211-141900.png}} {{:pasted:20231211-141920.png}} {{:pasted:20231211-141938.png}} {{:pasted:20231211-141958.png}} ++++